Saturday, February 11, 2012

Horse Training: My circus horse

Life is sometimes a circus but even more so when you have a circus horse. I have been advised in the past to sell him to the circus while I still have a chance but I think that would just be plain cruel to the circus. I don't think they want all their lions being let loose or their clowns being trampled or their elephants being trammatized so for the safety of the circus I have decided to keep Miracle to myself. Other than keeping me in shape, Miracle provides me with much entertainment. What other horse do you know is able to excape from every possible confinning area, baptize chickens (oh yes, he is great at picking up chickens and throwing them into his water trough), herding cattle, sheep and other horses all by himself (I will often see him herding the cattle or sheep into different parts of the pasture and Lord help the poor lamb that wanders out of the boundries Miracle has set). When I first purchased Miracle all of these things drove me crazy! I didn't know what to do with this extreamly talented horse but after about a year or so we figured out how to use his gifts for good and not evil. My arab/paint is an amazing cutting horse (he taught himself) and has helped me many times with our little herd of cattle. He also watches the other livestock like a guardian and will often let me know as soon as a lamb has excaped, a cow is calving, or a stranger is on the property. Yes, I will at times have to chase down my horse and possibly a cow or two when he decides that he needs a little walk around town but he is everything any girl could want in a horse. Strong willed, tender hearted, playful, georgous, smart, and most of all mine!

Until next time...
Bethany Joy Wood

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